
EPCHC - energy performance contracting (EPC) model for historic city centres

Medved, Primož (2023) EPCHC - energy performance contracting (EPC) model for historic city centres. Acta Innovations, 2023 (47). pp. 28-40. DOI

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The current predominant obstacle for the implementation of energy retrofitting projects at the neighbourhood level is attributable to restricted funding options, which is especially relevant for the expensive renovation of buildings of cultural heritage importance. The first aim of the article is to articulate and identify the main characteristics which influence the funding processes for energy retrofitting historic urban districts. The second objective is to build a comprehensive approach/procedural funding model based on these identified specifics/characteristics. The “energy performance contracting model for historical city centres” (EPC HC ) is constructed with procedural processes (steps) associated with the main specific characteristics of urban central districts. The principal attributes which define and influence EPC in historical city centres are “district-level retrofitting”, the “multi-stakeholder approach” and “cultural heritage preservation”. First demonstrated are the benefits of the district level EPC’s “economy of scale”. Secondly, city centres are specific neighbourhoods with several public (municipal, governmental) and private entities, necessitating a particular tailor-made EPC approach is necessary for each stakeholder. Thirdly, the article focuses on the issue of higher retrofitting costs because as a result of historical building status and finding an optimal solution to overcome the conflict between sustainable renovation and cultural preservation. The procedural model for EPC HC in historical city centres offers step-by-step guidelines with suggestions to be followed in order to approach and involve all the various stakeholders. EPC HC could open a new perspective on district green retrofitting and could facilitate municipalities’ decision-making processes upon deciding to retrofit historical central districts.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:EPC, energy performance contracting, historical city centres, multi-stakeholders, cultural heritage preservation, district energy retrofitting, procedural funding model
Divisions:Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS)
Subjects:Energy economy
Funders:Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (Corvinus University of Budapest)
ID Code:8169
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:18 May 2023 08:08
Last Modified:18 May 2023 08:09

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