
Early career wins and tournament prestige characterize tennis players’ trajectories

Zappalà, Chiara ORCID:, Sousa, S., Cunha, T., Pluchino, A., Rapisarda, A. and Sinatra, R. (2024) Early career wins and tournament prestige characterize tennis players’ trajectories. EPJ DATA SCIENCE, 13 (1). DOI 10.1140/epjds/s13688-024-00472-3

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Success in sports is a complex phenomenon that has only garnered limited research attention. In particular, we lack a deep scientific understanding of success in sports like tennis and the factors that contribute to it. Here, we study the unfolding of tennis players’ careers to understand the role of early career stages and the impact of specific tournaments on players’ trajectories. We employ a comprehensive approach combining network science and analysis of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) tournament data and introduce a novel method to quantify tournament prestige based on the eigenvector centrality of the co-attendance network of tournaments. Focusing on the interplay between participation in central tournaments and players’ performance, we find that the level of the tournament where players achieve their first win is associated with becoming a top player. This work sheds light on the critical role of the initial stages in the progression of players’ careers, offering valuable insights into the dynamics of success in tennis.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Network science applications; Success; Sports analytics
Divisions:Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS)
Subjects:Culture, sport
ID Code:9895
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:02 May 2024 06:54
Last Modified:02 May 2024 06:54

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