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Number of items: 6. Nielsen, Kristian L. and Šiljak, Dženita (2022) Bosnia and Herzegovina and European Integration : Obstacles and Challenges. International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo. . ISBN 9789958896590 Šiljak, Dženita and Nielsen, Kristian L. (2020) Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Best Friend and Worst Enemy : Bosznia-Hercegovina legjobb barátja és legnagyobb ellensége. KKI Policy Brief, 2020 (62). pp. 3-13. Šiljak, Dženita and Nielsen, Kristian L. (2022) Institutions and integration (im)maturity: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Society and Economy . DOI Šiljak, Dženita and Nielsen, Kristian L. (2023) Institutions and integration (im)maturity: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Society and Economy, 45 (2). pp. 136-155. DOI
Nagy, Sándor Gyula
Šiljak, Dženita and Nagy, Sándor Gyula |