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Number of items: 11.
Tasnádi, Attila Bednay, Dezső (2017) A characterization of stable sets in assignment games. Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest. (Submitted) Bednay, Dezső (2012) Alkuegyensúlyok és stabil halmazok. In: Egyensúly és optimum. Tanulmányok Forgó Ferenc 70. születésnapjára. Aula Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 3-12. . ISBN 978-963-339-018-4
Bednay, Dezső, Fleiner, Balázs Bednay, Dezső and Moskalenko, Anna and Tasnádi, Attila (2018) Dictatorship versus manipulability. Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest Faculty of Economics, Budapest.
Csató, László
Bednay, Dezső, Tasnádi, Attila Bednay, Dezső (2013) Stable sets in one-seller assignment games. Manual. Annals of Operation Research. (In Press) Bednay, Dezső and Fleiner, Balázs and Tasnádi, Attila (2020) The Limit of the Non-dictatorship Index. Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.
Bednay, Dezső, Fleiner, Balázs and Tasnádi, Attila Bednay, Dezső and Fleiner, Balázs and Tasnádi, Attila (2023) Which Social Choice Rule is More Dictatorial? Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest. |