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Reducing our final energy demand from fossil fuels is a necessary condition for establishing a more sustainable energy system across the EU. Moreover, it may offer multiple dividends by simultaneously mitigating problems with energy dependency, excessive greenhouse gas emissions, and improving the well-being of citizens. The present case study was elaborated within the framework of the ENABLE.EU research project, which has the aim to understand individual and collective energy choices in the areas of electricity, heating and cooling and transportation. The aim of the present case study was to obtain better understanding of the factors that influence household behaviour related to heating and cooling, drawing on qualitative and quantitative research findings obtained in five countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Spain, and Ukraine.
Item Type: | Monograph (Project Report) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Heating & cooling ; Consumer behaviour ; Energy consumption ; Eco-friendly behaviour ; Energy-saving attitude ; |
Divisions: | Faculty of Business Administration > Institute of Business Economics > Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Faculty of Business Administration > Institute of Marketing and Media > Department of Marketing |
Subjects: | Energy economy Ecology Environmental economics |
Funders: | Horizon 2020 |
Projects: | 727524 |
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ID Code: | 10691 |
Deposited By: | Erzsó Nyitrai |
Deposited On: | 18 Dec 2024 13:35 |
Last Modified: | 18 Dec 2024 13:35 |
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