
The Effect of Demographic Trends on Competitiveness : A Methodological Experiment to Calculate the Loss of Human Capital

Csepeti, Ádám, Szakáli, István Loránd, Aranyossyné Szegedi, Andrea and Zsuráfszky, Márton (2024) The Effect of Demographic Trends on Competitiveness : A Methodological Experiment to Calculate the Loss of Human Capital. Európai Tükör : Az Integrációs Stratégiai Munkacsoport kéthavonta megjelenő folyóirata, 27 (1). pp. 7-32. DOI 10.32559/et.2024.1.1

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The paper provides an overview of global demographic trends, including a brief description of the situation in the European Union and Hungary. It is important not only to monitor these processes, but also to identify their causes and consequences. This is also the focus of the study, which highlights the general link between current demographic trends and competitiveness. In particular, it focuses on measuring the loss of human capital due to emigration and attempts to quantify the loss of human capital in Hungary due to the youth and skills drain in the central regions. The study is a desk study based on published national and international sources (databases, studies). The authors of the study calculated the loss of human capital using a proprietary methodology in order to draw attention to the fact that in ageing societies, the competition for young and skilled workers intensifies and undermines the competitiveness and economic performance of the countries concerned.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Demography; competitiveness; emigration; demographic processes; Aging societies;
Divisions:Corvinus Doctoral Schools
Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences
Subjects:Human resource management
Social welfare, insurance, health care
ID Code:10783
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:15 Jan 2025 14:44
Last Modified:15 Jan 2025 14:44

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