
Tax-book conformity : Evidence from Hungary

Lakatos, László Péter ORCID: and Tarpataki, Eleonóra ORCID: (2025) Tax-book conformity : Evidence from Hungary. Journal of Infrastructure Policy and Development, 9 (1).

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Accounting can be regulated using either a principle-based or rule-based approach; however, profit determined for taxes purposes is invariably subject to rigorous regulation, permitting minimal flexibility. Entities are strongly motivated to utilize same or highly similar tax figures for financial accounting and tax purposes, as it reduces costs and effort. Nevertheless, this form of tax-book conformity frequently results in decreased financial reporting quality, as proven by prior studies. In numerous jurisdictions, governments are developing simplified accounting systems that utilize figures established by accounting regulations, as this facilitates accurate tax calculations and enables entities to optimize efforts and expenses in preparing financial statements. However, these systems result in lower-quality financial statements, which consequently reduce transparency and makes decision-making. more complicated and less accurate. This study examines a specific example from Hungary where a simplified accounting system was introduced in conformity with tax regulations; nonetheless, the principle of true and fair view was replaced by standardization and uniformity. The research investigates if this tradeoff is acceptable as organizations utilizing this legislation (qualifying entities) are those whose scale suggests that such simplification will not significantly compromise public interest. The study reveals that in Hungary, smaller entities typically do not make significant changes to determine their taxable earnings. The introduction of this system is justifiable given the regulations available for smaller organizations.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:tax-book conformity, financial accounting, regulation, taxation, small and middle-sized entities
Divisions:Institute of Accounting and Law
ID Code:10858
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:24 Jan 2025 13:45
Last Modified:24 Jan 2025 13:45

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