
On the enforcement value of soft correlated equilibrium for two-facility simple linear congestion games

Forgó, Ferenc (2017) On the enforcement value of soft correlated equilibrium for two-facility simple linear congestion games. Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest Faculty of Economics, Budapest.

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Exact enforcement values (Ashlagi I, Monderer D and Tennenholz M (2008) Journal of Artificial Intelligence 33:575-613) of soft correlated equilibrium (Forgó F (2010) Mathematical Social Sciences 60:186-190) for non-decreasing and mixed two-facility simple linear congestion games (including n-person chicken and prisoners' dilemma games) are determined and found to be 1 and 2, respectively. For non-inreasing two-facility simple linear congestion games lower and upper bounds are given for the enforcement value. The upper bound 1,265625 is significantly better than the previously known 1,333

Item Type:Monograph (Working Paper)
Series Name:Corvinus Economics Working Papers - CEWP
Series Number / Identification Number:2017/07
Uncontrolled Keywords:soft correlated equilibrium, congestion games, chicken game, prisoners' dilemma, enforcement value
JEL classification:C72 - Noncooperative Games
Divisions:Faculty of Economics > Department of Operations Research and Actuarial Sciences
Subjects:Mathematics, Econometrics
Projects:NKFI K-119930
ID Code:3167
Deposited By: Ádám Hoffmann
Deposited On:20 Nov 2017 12:33
Last Modified:20 Nov 2017 12:33

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