
Green Governance in Metropolitan Regions

Gonzalez de Linares, Paloma, Iváncsics, Vera, Filepné Kovács, Krisztina, Máté, Klaudia and Valánszki, István (2018) Green Governance in Metropolitan Regions. Corvinus Regional Studies, 3 (1-2). pp. 79-100.

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Metropolitan regions have different governance policies, strategies and tools for preserving and developing green spaces. The aim of this study is to analyse and compare the ‘green governance system’ of 5 metropolitan regions and draw the consequences for Budapest. We have chosen metropolitan regions with similar administration: Montreal, Vienna, London, Munich and Budapest. London and Vienna have a strong greenbelt regulation which was also the original aim in the introduction of the Spatial Plan of Budapest Agglomeration. In Montreal the districts are planned at human scale under the concept of ‘Eco-neighborhoods’. In the frames of a comparison analysis we explore the most important conflicts and highlight the most successful strategies in controlling urban sprawl and green infrastructure development of metropolitan regions and draw the consequences for Budapest. We also analyse the level in participative democracy.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:urban sprawl, governance, green infrastructure, participative democracy
Subjects:Urban planning
Public administration
ID Code:6648
Deposited By: Veronika Vitéz
Deposited On:14 Jul 2021 09:38
Last Modified:14 Jul 2021 09:38

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