
Institutions and integration (im)maturity: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Šiljak, Dženita and Nielsen, Kristian L. (2022) Institutions and integration (im)maturity: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Society and Economy . DOI

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In this paper, we analyze the integration maturity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on its path towards EU membership and the role of institutions in the process. Integration maturity focuses on five main parameters for readiness to make integration successful: macroeconomic stability, functioning market economy, competitiveness, access to foreign finance and convergence. We combine a discussion of BiH’s readiness on these parameters with insights from institutional economics, and show how inefficient institutions are major obstacles to BiH achieving sustained economic growth and attaining the necessary integration maturity. The main reasons for the institutional deficiencies relate to BiH being an ethnically divided country, but just as much it reflects corruption and elite capture of institutions. Only by thoroughly rethinking and reforming its institutional framework will Bosnia and Herzegovina be able to move forward.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina, integration maturity, institutions, transition, EU
Divisions:Corvinus Doctoral Schools
Subjects:Public administration
International relations
ID Code:7760
Deposited By: Veronika Vitéz
Deposited On:02 Dec 2022 11:29
Last Modified:02 Dec 2022 11:31

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