
Is it Greener on the Right Side? Evidence on the Relationship Between Political Preferences and Environmental Behavior from Hungary

Bakó, Barna and Berezvai, Zombor and Isztin, Péter and Ráti, József (2023) Is it Greener on the Right Side? Evidence on the Relationship Between Political Preferences and Environmental Behavior from Hungary. Manual. megjelenés előtt. (Unpublished)

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Environmentalism and pro-environmental behavior are widely thought to correlate with political attitudes. In particular, both empirical and anecdotal evidence suggests that left-leaning individuals have more favorable dispositions toward environmentalism and practices that are regarded as environmentally friendly. We test this hypothesis using election data from Hungary. The main novelty of our result is that we study not stated but revealed preferences. We concentrate on one particular environmental practice: waste separation. Surprisingly, we find that districts with a higher left-wing vote share engage less in waste separation on average. This result, although surprising, is consistent with previous survey-based evidence. We provide intuition on how to interpret and explain our findings.

Item Type:Monograph (Manual)
Uncontrolled Keywords:environmentalism, political attitudes, waste separation, social environment
Divisions:Corvinus Doctoral Schools
Institute of Economics
Subjects:Environmental economics
ID Code:8228
Deposited By: Ádám Hoffmann
Deposited On:30 May 2023 07:11
Last Modified:30 May 2023 07:15

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