
Interlinkage of Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Performance

Afin, Rifai (2023) Interlinkage of Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Performance. Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 26 (1). pp. 39-68. DOI

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This paper examines the interrelationship between inflation, inflation uncertainty, growth, and growth uncertainty. We find a negative effect of output uncertainty on output growth and a positive effect of output growth on output uncertainty. Inflation uncertainty has a negative effect on the inflation rate, suggesting that there is a stabilizing motive during high periods of high inflation, where the policy lowers inflation uncertainty to minimize the economic welfare costs of deflationary actions. However, inflation has a positive effect on inflation uncertainty suggesting that agents may devote more resources to inflation forecasting in a rising inflation environment, which reduces uncertainty. We also find a negative relation between inflation and growth, suggesting that a moderate trend of growth and inflation should be maintained to achieve desirable effects on the economy.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Inflation; Growth; Uncertainty; Panel EGARCH; Panel VAR
JEL classification:C33 - Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models: Panel Data Models; Spatio-temporal Models
E31 - Price Level; Inflation; Deflation
E32 - Business Fluctuations; Cycles
Divisions:Corvinus Doctoral Schools
ID Code:8266
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:08 Jun 2023 13:01
Last Modified:08 Jun 2023 13:01

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