
International comparative analysis of prosumers in selected fields of energy use and further customer preferences in environmental issues

Vona, Gábor (2023) International comparative analysis of prosumers in selected fields of energy use and further customer preferences in environmental issues. Hungarian Statistical Review: Journal of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 6 (1). pp. 3-31. DOI https:/

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By providing insights into the energy choices and attitudes of retail customers, this article widens the knowledge about consumer behaviour related to photovoltaic (PV) systems. The calculations rely on the dataset of a survey conducted in Italy, Norway, Serbia, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom between 2016 and 2019 by ENABLE.EU team. (1) The analysis revealed the areas where both prosumers and traditional customers with PV plans in the near future demonstrate significant advancements. These common characteristics are the type of building, use of energy-efficient bulbs, disposal of smart meters, less energy consumption, acceptance of the inconvenience arising from eco-friendly measures, educational level, and household income. Further differentiating attributes leading to PV plans are family size, employment status, age, gender, and commitment to environmental issues. In addition, prevailing phenomena were identified between Western and Eastern countries. (2) Prior to PV installations, formal information channels (one-sided p-value: 6.01%) are preferred when obtaining information about such systems. Both in the circle of prosumers and those with PV plans in the near future, technological, environmental, and remaining (e.g. financial) reasons are the most motivating drivers ranked in ascending order. (3) Ultimately, the study examined the nexus amongst having future PV plans, the routines for own energy conservation actions, and the evaluation of factors detaining other people from saving electricity.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:environmentally conscious consumer behaviour, sustainable consumption, prosumers with a photovoltaic system
Divisions:Corvinus Doctoral Schools
Subjects:Energy economy
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ID Code:8390
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:10 Jul 2023 14:34
Last Modified:10 Jul 2023 14:34

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