
Sustainable Catching-Up Requires a Complete Turn in Competitiveness

Baksay, Gergely and Nagy, Ágnes (2022) Sustainable Catching-Up Requires a Complete Turn in Competitiveness. Public Finance Quarterly = Pénzügyi Szemle, 67 (2). pp. 159-180. DOI

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Further strengthening of competitiveness is essential for Hungary’s sustainable growth and catching up. According to the Magyar Nemzeti Bank’s approach, an economy is competitive if it utilises its available resources optimally to attain the highest possible, but at the same time sustainable, level of welfare. In the past decade, the macroeconomic conditions necessary for a turn in competitiveness have developed in Hungary, which also provided a stable basis for managing the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Hungary was ranked 18th in the MNB’s competitiveness ranking among the 27 countries of the European Union in 2021. The result shows that further strengthening competitiveness and the effective release of growth reserves, in particular in the areas of high-quality human capital and the digital and green transition of the economy, are essential to achieve sustainable catching-up and avoid the middle-income trap.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:competitiveness, sustainable convergence, middle-income trap, growth reserves, green and digital transition
JEL classification:H12 - Crisis Management
I15 - Health and Economic Development
I25 - Education and Economic Development
J11 - Demographic Trends, Macroeconomic Effects and Forecasts
O10 - Economic Development: General
O40 - Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity: General
Q56 - Environment and Development; Environment and Trade; Sustainability; Environmental Accounts and Accounting; Environmental Equity; Population Growth
ID Code:8570
Deposited By: Alexa Horváth
Deposited On:08 Sep 2023 09:03
Last Modified:08 Sep 2023 09:03

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