
Climate Change Perception and Innovative Mitigation Practices Adopted by Hungarian Farms

Hamam, Manal, Raimondo, Maria, Spina, Daniela, Király, Gábor, Di Vita, Giuseppe and Tóth, József (2023) Climate Change Perception and Innovative Mitigation Practices Adopted by Hungarian Farms. Agris On-Line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 15 (3). pp. 57-72. DOI

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Climate change is becoming a growing concern for the agricultural sector. Variable weather events, such as droughts and floods, are expected to have a significant negative impact on agricultural losses, earnings and consumption. The agriculture industry in Europe is not immune to these difficulties. This study focuses on Hungary, a country with a strong agricultural focus that, as a result, is particularly susceptible to climate change. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed to synthesis data about the perspectives of Hungarian farmers on the dangers of climate change. Then, latent variables were employed as explanatory variables in the Logit model to investigate the link between the perceptions of climate change risks by Hungarian farmers and their inclination to adopt innovative ways to mitigate its repercussions. Changes in temperature and precipitation, economic damage, water damage, and insect damage are seen as the most serious repercussions of climate change by Hungarian farmers. These beliefs raise the possibility of adopting new strategies to offset harmful consequences, including (i) the adoption of new varieties, (ii) ice and frost protection, and (iii) the use of agro-meteorological data. The results show that the chance of adopting new varieties is substantially influenced by farmers’ assessments of harm caused by pests, pathogens, and illnesses (2.91***). In contrast, water damage concerns seem to have a significant impact on the adoption of novel approaches to reduce cold and frost damage (2.18***). This study’s findings support the efforts of stakeholders and policymakers to encourage the dissemination of technology to protect crops from climate change in Hungary and imply that governments should provide financial incentives to farmers to boost innovation uptake.

Item Type:Article
Divisions:Institute of Sustainable Development
Subjects:Knowledge economy, innovation
Environmental economics
ID Code:9479
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:10 Nov 2023 12:59
Last Modified:10 Nov 2023 12:59

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