
Smart positioning

Sziva, Ivett, Keller, Krisztina ORCID: and Kovács, László (2023) Smart positioning. Journal of Heritage Tourism . DOI

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Small-scale heritage towns usually face fierce competition from surrounding destinations, particularly in peripheral rural areas where tourism holds important possibilities for regional development. This study examines on-site smart tourism technology as a tool to increase attractiveness and differentiation of heritage destinations using examples of Hungarian destinations. The research seeks to answer the question whether a small-scale heritage destination can become a more attractive destination due to technology from the perspective of potential tourists. The paper analyzes quantitative data collected from 537 potential tourists. Principal component analysis was used to identify the factors considering attractive and differential on-site technologies. A regression model was created to examine how these factors affect the potential tourist's decision-making: whether heritage towns with smart on-site tools are too similar to towns that do not use such technologies. Three factors of on-site technologies have been identified: digital sightseeing, smart attractions, and smart infrastructure. According to the regression model, digital sightseeing is the key pull factor, but smart attractions and smart infrastructure also have a positive effect in small towns. The study presents the first empirical research on the effect of smart technology on positioning small-size heritage towns based on demand-side research.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:smart tourism technology, on-site tourism technology‌, positioning, heritage town, destination positioning
Divisions:Institute of Sustainable Development
Subjects:Commerce and tourism
ID Code:9495
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:14 Nov 2023 16:02
Last Modified:14 Nov 2023 16:02

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