
Slow fashion as a possible route to SDG 12 within the fashion industry

Koltai, Vivien (2023) Slow fashion as a possible route to SDG 12 within the fashion industry. Észak-magyarországi Stratégiai Füzetek, 20 (2). pp. 69-83. DOI

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As many may not know, the textile and fashion manufacture combined are the second largest polluting industries. This can mostly be traced back to their complicated supply chain, next to their growth focused business models. Although there have been approaches towards researching the topic, it seems like there is still an undiscovered potential of detecting what slow fashion designates as in regard of production and operation practices. The paper aims to pinpoint the main principles of slow fashion through a thorough literature review, with collecting relevant papers related to slow fashion in the database of SCOPUS. The research also conducts a content analysis from existing descriptions by experts, in order to reveal the possible dissimilarities and parallels in slow fashion and SDG 12 principles. The paper’s goal is to see whether slow fashion can act as a supporter of SDG 12’s main production aims within the fashion industry.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:slow fashion, SDG 12, circular business models, fast fashion
JEL classification:Q01 - Sustainable Development
Divisions:Corvinus Doctoral Schools
Subjects:Economic development
Environmental economics
ID Code:9666
Deposited By: Beáta Vasvár
Deposited On:23 Jan 2024 14:49
Last Modified:23 Jan 2024 14:49

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