
Population Ageing and Health Expenditures in Visegrad Group

Kálmán, Botond Géza ORCID:, Juhász, Tímea ORCID: and Tóth, Arnold ORCID: (2020) Population Ageing and Health Expenditures in Visegrad Group. In: RELIK 2020: Reproduction of Human Capital - Mutual links and connections. Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Prága, pp. 237-248. . ISBN 9788024523941

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Quality health care plays an important role in economic growth. Developed countries spend a high proportion of their GDP on health care because they believe that health is an important driver of economic development. Population ageing further increases health expenses, which is a worldwide trend. The purpose of this research is to observe the aftermath from a Visegrad Group (V4) perspective. One of the major consequencies is the growing pool of elderly and retired citizens in the V4 countries. The researchers investigated the causes of ageing in the Visegrad countries, examining mortality and fertility. This situation tends to worsen further in the future finantial threatening of public social and health insurance funds. Elder people use more healthcare than younger people and the proportion of elder people in the population is increasing. We examined trend between the aging population and health Expenditure. Health care expenditure (HCE) is not distributed evenly over a person’s life course. How much is spent on the elderly is important as they are a population group that is increasing in size.

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:population aging, health expenditures, Visegrád Group,
JEL classification:H51 - National Government Expenditures and Health
I15 - Health and Economic Development
I18 - Health: Government Policy; Regulation; Public Health
Subjects:Social welfare, insurance, health care
ID Code:9783
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:29 Apr 2024 10:52
Last Modified:29 Apr 2024 10:52

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