
Sustainable and competitive nightlife district? – Management of overtourism in Budapest

Sziva, Ivett, Smith, Melanie, Berezvai, Zombor ORCID: and Coronel Padilla, Monica Fabiola (2020) Sustainable and competitive nightlife district? – Management of overtourism in Budapest. Marketing és Menedzsment, 54 (1). pp. 55-63. DOI 10.15170/MM.2020.54.01.05

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The main objective of the paper is to answer a controversial question: How can a district that is inhabited by local residents, but is popular for tourists particularly during nightlife, be sustainable in a city? This question has become crucial in Budapest, where local residents are demonstrating over the impacts of party tourism. In this context, the study aims to find out creative product development ideas to deal with the mass tourism activities.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:night-time economy, sustainable tourism management, overtourism, ruin bar district
Divisions:Corvinus Doctoral Schools
Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences
Subjects:Commerce and tourism
ID Code:9920
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:13 May 2024 12:50
Last Modified:13 May 2024 12:50

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