
Kolozsvárról a Magyar Nemzeti Bank vezetőségébe. Dr. Judik József (Kolozsvár, 1891 – Budapest, 1951) pályája

Buza, János (2024) Kolozsvárról a Magyar Nemzeti Bank vezetőségébe. Dr. Judik József (Kolozsvár, 1891 – Budapest, 1951) pályája. Erdélyi Múzeum, 86 (1). pp. 142-155. DOI

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József Judik (1891–1951) was born in the Kingdom of Hungary, in Cluj-Napoca, where he completed his university studies. Since Cluj-Napoca became part of Romania, Dr. József Judik moved to Budapest in 1920. He worked as a bank clerk and later became a lawyer . He received Hungarian state scholarships to study in Berlin (1917/1918) and in the United States (1930/1931, Rockefeller Foundation). From 1925, he served as an official of the Hungarian National Bank, later becoming one of its directors and an honorary professor of „Monetary Theory and Credit Policy” (1940) . He published numerous studies in prestigious professional journals (Közgazdasági Szemle, Külügyi Szemle, Gazdasági Jog, Ungarisches Wirtschaftsjahrbuch, etc.); his manuscript legacy is very significant. After World War II, he was demoted and politically persecuted.

Item Type:Article
ID Code:9997
Deposited By: Ádám Hoffmann
Deposited On:29 May 2024 10:27
Last Modified:29 May 2024 10:27

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