
Knowledge transfer and management consulting: A look at “The firm”

Lahti, Ryan K. and Beyerlein, Michael M. (2000) Knowledge transfer and management consulting: A look at “The firm”. Vezetéstudomány - Management and Business Journal, 31 (7-8). pp. 91-99.

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In the authors 'view, a firm's competitive advantage comes from the value it can develop for its customers. Most successful firms today can be considered „intelligent enterprises” because they transform intellectual assets into product and service outputs. It follows that knowledge transfer is especially critical for the functioning of a management consulting firm, because knowledge is the cornerstone of the services such a firm offers its clients.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:tudásmenedzsment, vállalati szervezet
Subjects:Knowledge economy, innovation
Business organisation
ID Code:4981
Deposited By: Beáta Vasvár
Deposited On:05 Mar 2020 08:39
Last Modified:05 Mar 2020 09:43

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