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Number of items: 29.

Darvas, Zsolt and Vadas, Gábor (2005) A New Method For Combining Detrending Techniques with Application to Business Cycle Synchronization of the New EU Members. Working Paper. BCE Matematikai Közgazdaságtan és Gazdaságelemzés tanszék, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2011) A Tale of Three Countries: Recovery after Banking Crises. Working Paper. Department of Mathematical Economics and Economic Analysis, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt and Piasni-Ferry, Jean and Sapir, André (2011) A comprehensive approach to the euro-area debt crisis. Working Paper. BCE Matematikai Közgazdaságtan és Gazdaságelemzés tanszék, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt, Szapáry, György and Rose, Andrew K. (2005) A fiskális divergencia és a konjunktúraciklusok együttmozgása - a felelőtlen fiskális politika az aszimmetrikus sokkok forrása (Fiscal divergence and business cycle synchronization: irresponsibility is idiosyncratic). Közgazdasági Szemle, 52 (12). pp. 937-959.

Darvas, Zsolt and Szapáry, György (2008) Az euróövezet bővítése és euróbevezetési stratégiák (Euro-area enlargement and euro adoption strategies). Közgazdasági Szemle, 55 (10). pp. 833-873.

Darvas, Zsolt (1999) Az árfolyamsávok empirikus modelljei és a devizaárfolyam sávon belüli előrejelezhetetlensége = Empirical models of exchange rate target zones. Közgazdasági Szemle, 46 (6). pp. 507-529.

Darvas, Zsolt (2010) Beyond the crisis: prospects for emerging Europe. Working Paper. BCE Matematikai Közgazdaságtan és Gazdaságelemzés tanszék, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2014) Can Europe recover without credit? Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest Faculty of Economics, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2014) Can Europe recover without credit? Society and Economy, 36 (2). pp. 129-149. DOI 10.1556/SocEc.36.2014.2.1

Darvas, Zsolt and Mazza, Jan and Midões, Catarina (2021) Cohesion project characteristics and regional economic growth in the European Union. Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2011) Debt Restructuring in the Euro Area: a Necessary but Manageable Evil? Working Paper. Department of Mathematical Economics and Economic Analysis, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2020) Economic growth and income distribution implications of public spending and tax decisions. Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt and Pisani-Ferry, Jean (2011) Europe’s Growth Emergency. Working Paper. Department of Mathematical Economics and Economic Analysis, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2011) Exchange Rate Policy and Economic Growth after the Financial Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe. Working Paper. Department of Mathematical Economics and Economic Analysis, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt and Weizsäcker, Jakob von (2010) Financial Transaction Tax: Small is Beautiful. Working Paper. BCE Matematikai Közgazdaságtan és Gazdaságelemzés tanszék, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt and Weizsäcker, Jakob von (2011) Financial transaction tax: Small is beautiful. Society and Economy, 33 (3). pp. 449-473. DOI 10.1556/SocEc.33.2011.3.2

Darvas, Zsolt and Rose, Andrew K. and Szapáry, György (2005) Fiscal Divergence and Business Cycle Synchronization: Irresponsibility is Idiosyncratic. Working Paper. BCE Matematikai Közgazdaságtan és Gazdaságelemzés tanszék, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2010) Fiscal Federalism in Crisis: Lessons for Europe from the US. Working Paper. BCE Matematikai Közgazdaságtan és Gazdaságelemzés tanszék, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt and Kostyleva, Valentina (2011) Fiscal and Monetary Institutions in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European Countries. Working Paper. Department of Mathematical Economics and Economic Analysis, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt and Schepp, Zoltán (2020) Forecasting exchange rates of major currencies with long maturity forward rates. Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2020) Introduction to the special section on the public finance – growth nexus. Society and Economy, 42 (4). pp. 348-350. DOI

Darvas, Zsolt and Schepp, Zoltán (2007) Kelet-közép-európai devizaárfolyamok előrejelzése határidős árfolyamok segítségével (Forecasting the exchange rates of three Central-Eastern European currencies with forward exchange rates). Közgazdasági Szemle, 54 (6). pp. 501-528.

Darvas, Zsolt and Szapáry, György (2004) Konjunktúraciklusok együttmozgása a régi és új EU-tagországokban. Közgazdasági Szemle, 51 (5). pp. 415-448.

Darvas, Zsolt and Anderson, Julia (2020) New life for an old framework: redesigning the European Union's expenditure and golden fiscal rules. Working Paper. Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2012) Real effective exchange rates for 178 countries: A new database. Working Paper. Department of Mathematical Economics and Economic Analysis, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt and Wolff, Guntram B. (2013) Should non-euro area countries join the single supervisory mechanism? Working Paper. Department of Mathematical Economics and Economic Analysis, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2010) The Case for Reforming Euro Area Entry Criteria. Working Paper. BCE Matematikai Közgazdaságtan és Gazdaságelemzés tanszék, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt (2013) The Euro Area's Tightrope Walk: Debt and Competitiveness in Italy and Spain. Working Paper. Department of Mathematical Economics and Economic Analysis, Budapest.

Darvas, Zsolt and Piasni-Ferry, Jean (2010) The threat of "currency wars": A European perspective. Working Paper. BCE Matematikai Közgazdaságtan és Gazdaságelemzés tanszék, Budapest.

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