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Number of items: 20.
Szalma, Ivett Szalma, Ivett (2014) A gyermekvállalás társadalmi normái és a mesterséges megtermékenyítéssel kapcsolatos attitűdökvizsgálata Magyarországon és Európában. Replika, 85-86 (1-2). pp. 35-55.
Takács, Judit Szalma, Ivett and Rékai, Krisztina (2020) A külön élő apák kapcsolattartási szokásai Magyarországon = Patterns of Non-Resident Fathers’ Contacts with Their Children in Hungary. Magyar Tudomány, 181 (9). pp. 1128-1237. DOI
Sipos, Alexandra
Szalma, Ivett Szalma, Ivett and Bitó, Tamás (2022) Attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant and lactating women in Hungary. Journal of Perinatal Medicine . DOI Szalma, Ivett (2020) Contact Between Non-Resident Parents and Their Children During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Hungary. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 11 (2). pp. 157-161. DOI
Szalma, Ivett and Takács, Judit Ochsner, Michael, Szalma, Ivett and Takács, Judit (2020) Division of Labour, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy: Conclusions and Reflections. Social Inclusion, 8 (4). pp. 103-109. DOI Szalma, Ivett and Takács, Judit (2022) Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter? Social Inclusion, 10 (3). pp. 138-148. DOI Szalma, Ivett, Hašková, Hana, Oláh, Livia and Takács, Judit (2022) Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts. Social Inclusion, 10 (3). pp. 82-86. DOI
Heers, Marieke
Szalma, Ivett and Takács, Judit Szalma, Ivett, Ochsner, Michael and Takács, Judit (2020) Linking Labour Division within Families, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy. Social Inclusion, 8 (4). pp. 1-7. DOI Szalma, Ivett and Rékai, Krisztina (2020) Personal and Online Contact during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Nonresident Parents and their Children in Hungary. International Journal of Sociology, 50 (6). pp. 495-503. DOI
Szalma, Ivett Murinkó, Lívia and Szalma, Ivett (2010) The 9th conference of the European Sociological Association: European sociology or European sociologies? Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 1 (1). pp. 123-137.
Szalma, Ivett and Takács, Judit Szalma, Ivett and Djundeva, Maja (2020) What shapes public attitudes towards assisted reproduction technologies in Europe? Demográfia - English Edition, 62 (5). pp. 45-75. DOI |