
Parental mediation of adolescents’ technology use: Unequal parenting practices

Kutrovátz, Kitti ORCID: (2022) Parental mediation of adolescents’ technology use: Unequal parenting practices. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics, 8 (3). pp. 99-117. DOI

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This study explores parental mediation – its patterns, purpose and intention, the intentions behind it, and related social inequalities – from the perspective of the ideal of intensive parenting. Parental mediation in the form of restricting or monitoring teenagers’ technology use might mitigate the harm of the intensive or risky online behaviour. Moreover, active mediation strategies might improve the teenagers’ digital literacy by obtaining specific skills that foster appropriate online behaviour. Therefore, the paper argues that parental mediation has become a highly relevant aspect of contemporary parenting practices. The paper is based on thematic analyses of semi-structured interviews on children’s screen time and parental mediation strategies. The interviews were carried out with 29 parents of adolescents in Hungary in 2019. The findings show that restriction and active mediation primarily aimed at protecting children from risks, as a resource-intensive practice, form part of the contemporary parenting skill set. This study contributes to understanding how these skills constitute a digital cultural capital, and thereby how parenting can enhance the digital inequality.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:parental mediation, intensive parenting, adolescence, digital inequality
Divisions:Institute of Social and Political Sciences
Subjects:Media and communication
ID Code:10063
Deposited By: Ádám Hoffmann
Deposited On:20 Jun 2024 08:51
Last Modified:20 Jun 2024 08:51

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