
The role of the state in shaping the internationalization of firms in the twenty-first century

Ricz, Judit ORCID:, Sallai, Dorottya ORCID: and Tölgyessy Péterné Sass, Magdolna ORCID: (2025) The role of the state in shaping the internationalization of firms in the twenty-first century. Competition and Change, SI . DOI 10.1177/10245294241229359

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Special issue: The Role of the State in Shaping the Competitiveness and Internationalisation (of Firms and/or Sectors) in the Twenty-First Century


The year 2020, with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent crises, highlighted the significance of state intervention in shaping firm competitiveness. However, unprecedented government support for businesses has left us puzzled about the state’s role in firm internationalization, especially in emerging markets and the Global South, where government involvement has been accompanied by democratic backsliding and rising authoritarianism. Our Special Issue moves the current debate forward by exploring how the state’s changing role affects firm internationalization. The objective of this editorial is twofold: stimulating theory development by scrutinizing state intervention in emerging markets in recent decades and introducing the Special Issue articles. Contributions investigate how governments support the internationalization of their domestic businesses by focusing on firms’ institutional embeddedness and the impact of institutions as both resources and constraints to their internationalization. By linking the discourse on state capitalism with business internationalization, our empirical studies advance research on political economy and the state’s role in innovative ways, reflecting on recent geopolitical developments. Our introductory article situates the Special Issue papers in the state capitalism and firm internationalization literatures and discusses their implications for future research.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Firm internationalization, state capitalism, institutional embeddedness, emerging markets, central and eastern Europe
Divisions:Institute of Global Studies
Subjects:Economic policy
Business economics
Funders:Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO/NKFIH), NORFACE-funded research programme ‘Democratic governance in a turbulent age (Governance)’
Projects:FK_124573 and no. 132442, No. 462-19-080 (POPBACK project)
ID Code:10957
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:27 Feb 2025 14:11
Last Modified:27 Feb 2025 14:11

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