
SME Policy and Competitiveness in Hungary

Bruno, Dallago (2012) SME Policy and Competitiveness in Hungary. Vezetéstudomány - Budapest Management Review, 43 (7-8). pp. 84-98. DOI 10.14267/VEZTUD.2012.07.08

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Small and medium-sized (SMEs) enterprises in Hungary account for 99.9% of all enterprises and for more than two thirds of employment. Since transformation started in 1989 they have been the only net makers of employment. In spite of such remarkable importance, results have been modest compared to the amount of Hungarian and foreign, mostly EU resources poured into the sector. Less than a sixth of SMEs are fast-growing and only a tiny minority of SMEs make use of bank credit. According to various indicators and in spite of bright spots, the SMEs context is problematic and SMEs features are often unfavourable and hardly competitive. In recent years the goal of upgrading SMEs and strengthening their contribution to the economy has acquired central position among policy goals and activity. Although progress has been made, the results are weak and in some cases drawbacks have happened. The paper starts from analysing the SMEs situation, reviews the main features of the recently implemented policy strategies, assesses whether these strategies are appropriate to address the situation, including the effects of the domestic and international crises, and considers whether the targets pursued are realistic and important, and the instruments considered in line with the targets

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Hungary, SMEs, Transformation, Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness, Policies, Crisis, Strategy
Subjects:Labour economics
Management, business policy, business strategy
Funders:Autonomous Province of Trento
Projects:OPENLOC research project under the call for proposals “Major Projects 2006”
ID Code:2537
Deposited By: Z. S.
Deposited On:13 Dec 2016 11:36
Last Modified:17 Feb 2021 15:12

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