
Marketing as Designing: Design Methods in Marketing Education – Introduction to DesignCommunication

Horváth , Dóra, Cosovan, Attila, Csordás , Tamás, Horváth, Daniella and Mitev, Ariel Zoltán (2018) Marketing as Designing: Design Methods in Marketing Education – Introduction to DesignCommunication. In: Marketing Challenges, Innovations and Trends in Emerging Markets. University of Economics in Prague, Prague. . ISBN 978-80-245-2279-1

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The publication is part of the Széchenyi 2020 program EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00013 "Institutional developments for smart specialization at the Corvinus University of Budapest Campus in Székesfehérvár"


Life-long learning is an evidence for today’s leaders and designers. If leaders would approach emerging problems like designers, many products, services and procedures would become more functional, and would be able to create long-lasting values for the organization and society. Such an approach has to be learned and steadily trained. The act of authentic learning takes place by only leaving one’s comfort zone. Participant reflections on designcommunication that took place in an educational training setting in a regional development project is presented. The authors’ argumentation is supported by participant narratives (n=171). Findings show that solving design tasks for marketing students, help opening up new perspectives, give a new point of view of leadership, and increase self-knowledge. Designcommunication facilitates the solution of ill structured problems.

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:DesignCommunication, ill-structured problems, marketing leadership training, DIS.CO
JEL classification:A00 - General Economics and Teaching
Divisions:Faculty of Business Administration > Institute of Marketing and Media
Subjects:Knowledge economy, innovation
ID Code:3717
Deposited By: Dr. Horváth Dóra
Deposited On:28 Sep 2018 06:54
Last Modified:28 Sep 2018 06:54

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