
How job crafting is related to the individual readiness to organizational change

Szőts-Kováts, Klaudia ORCID: and Kiss, Csaba ORCID: (2023) How job crafting is related to the individual readiness to organizational change. Heliyon, 9 (4). DOI

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This article aims to examine the relationship between job crafting activities and employees' readiness to change. Confirmatory factor analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted on a representative sample of 500 employees. Sampling was carried out in a European country in a period strongly affected by COVID-19 to isolate the five dimensions of job crafting and their separate effects on employees' readiness to change. The findings show that the five dimensions of job crafting can be distinguished from each other and that they have differential effects on employees' readiness to change. Extending task crafting shows a positive relationship with employees' readiness to change while reducing task crafting showed no significant relationship. Surprisingly extending and reducing relationship crafting showed no significant relationship with readiness to change. Cognitive crafting was found to be significantly positively related to the dependent variable. This research contributes to the development of job crafting theory by providing empirical support that job crafting can be associated with readiness to change but that this relationship may vary across its dimensions. The results may also provide important conclusions for change leaders and HR professionals.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Job crafting, Organizational change, Individual readiness to change, Human resource management
Divisions:Institute of Strategy and Management
Subjects:Human resource management
Business organisation
ID Code:8159
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:10 May 2023 13:00
Last Modified:10 May 2023 13:00

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