
Designing a future-proof gas and hydrogen infrastructure for Europe – A modelling-based approach

Kotek, Péter ORCID:, Takácsné Tóth, Borbála ORCID: and Selei, Adrienn (2023) Designing a future-proof gas and hydrogen infrastructure for Europe – A modelling-based approach. ENERGY POLICY, 180 . pp. 1-14. DOI

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This paper was heavily based on the research performed under the grant ENER/C1/2019-481 “Potentials and levels for the electrification of space heating in buildings” by the European Commission , DG Energy.


Hydrogen has been at the centre of attention since the EU kicked-off its decarbonization agenda at full speed. Many consider it a silver bullet for the deep decarbonization of technically challenging sectors and industries, but it is also an attractive option for the gas industry to retain and future-proof its well-developed infrastructure networks. The modelling methodology presented in this report systematically tests the feasibility and cost of different pipeline transportation methods – blending, repurposing, and dedicated hydrogen pipelines - under different decarbonization pathways and concludes that blending is not a viable solution and pipeline repurposing can lead to excessive investment outlays in the range of EUR 19–25 bn over the modelled period (2020–2050) for the EU-27.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Electrification, Hydrogen and gas infrastructure, Modelling, European Union
Subjects:Energy economy
ID Code:8364
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:05 Jul 2023 07:26
Last Modified:05 Jul 2023 08:43

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