
Human-centred decision support for the common good : a combination of participatory foresight methods

Szathmári, Attila ORCID:, Köves, Alexandra ORCID: and Gáspár, Judit ORCID: (2024) Human-centred decision support for the common good : a combination of participatory foresight methods. Journal of Decision Systems, 52 (5). pp. 68-78. DOI 10.1080/12460125.2024.2345946

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This paper explores innovative approaches to decision-making for the common good by addressing the challenges posed by participatory foresight techniques such as backcasting and the Delphi method. Our paper is a methodological evaluation of our research that focused on how a more sustainable future vision on the world of sports could replace the currently highly commodified industry that not so long ago had a clear function in providing a good life to humans. This paper aims to contribute to the decision support literature on how the combinations of participation and deliberation with different policy-oriented foresight methodologies entailing both lay and expert knowledge can advance the understanding of values that underpin common good decisions. At the same time, these processes can also uncover concrete actions and policy interventions that can transform current economic and social processes, moving them beyond the utilitarian logic of our realities.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:Backcasting; common good; decision-support; Delphi; foresight; sport
Divisions:Institute of Operations and Decision Sciences
Subjects:Decision making
ID Code:9947
Deposited By: MTMT SWORD
Deposited On:16 May 2024 08:40
Last Modified:16 May 2024 08:40

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