
Family firms in the maelstrom of international market entry and innovation – Can socio-emotional wealth (SEW) and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) be reconciled?

Szabó, Gyula Márton (2023) Family firms in the maelstrom of international market entry and innovation – Can socio-emotional wealth (SEW) and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) be reconciled? Society and Economy, 45 (4). pp. 432-450. DOI

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I examine the relationship between the internationalisation of family firms and innovation. After the review of the relevant literature, I group together the narrow research topics addressed in the literature, which largely confirm the positive relationship between the two categories. Moreover, I demonstrate a theoretical framework which, according to the literature, can be implemented to put socio-emotional welfare and entrepreneurial orientation, which are restraining the internationalisation of family firms, on a common path, so that they can contribute to enhancing the innovative and international performance of family firms in a mutually supportive way.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:family business; innovation; internationalization; socio-emotional wealth; entrepreneurial orientation
Divisions:Institute of Strategy and Management
Subjects:Knowledge economy, innovation
Business organisation
ID Code:9964
Deposited By: Beáta Vasvár
Deposited On:22 May 2024 11:58
Last Modified:22 May 2024 11:58

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