
Decarbonization challenges and opportunities in the Central European energy sector: Implications for management

Magyari, József (2023) Decarbonization challenges and opportunities in the Central European energy sector: Implications for management. Society and Economy, 45 (4). pp. 451-471. DOI

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While decarbonization and hydrogen energy are at the top of European policymakers' agenda, research and innovation (R&I) management of energy companies must focus on clean technologies (cleantech) which could decrease greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the sector. The Central European energy sector, however, might face a decarbonization challenge because of the specific geopolitical situation, so aligning R&I directions with regional policy and conditions seem to be crucial to accelerate sectoral and corporate adaptation. This study focuses on the decarbonization progress and strategies of the Visegrád 4 (V4) countries, concerning some of the most promising hydrogen-driven cleantech R&I directions which might induce strategic changes in Central European energy companies. Besides promoting renewable energy sources, results show that V4 strategies usually include the development of nuclear energy capacities to reduce GHG emissions and using the extended natural gas infrastructure for renewable energy storage. The analysed cleantech innovations are included but usually not central in these strategies. Strategic changes in energy companies, however, could be driven by these promising R&I directions, e.g., the hydrogen economy development by power-to-X (P2X) technologies, industrial decarbonization by carbon capture, utilization or storage (CCUS) technologies in the mid-term, and cross-sectoral integration and optimization by smart energy system (SES) development in the long-term.

Item Type:Article
Uncontrolled Keywords:decarbonization, hydrogen economy, energy sector, research and innovation
JEL classification:M10 - Business Administration: General
O13 - Economic Development: Agriculture; Natural Resources; Energy; Environment; Other Primary Products
O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D
O38 - Technological Change: Government Policy
Divisions:Institute of Strategy and Management
Subjects:Energy economy
Knowledge economy, innovation
Environmental economics
Political science
ID Code:9965
Deposited By: Beáta Vasvár
Deposited On:22 May 2024 12:20
Last Modified:22 May 2024 12:20

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